Affidavit for Relative Visa


I, _________ Son of  _________, aged __ years, resident of _________, _________ (Country), do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 

  1. That I am the permanent resident of the above said address.
  2. That _________ son/daughter/wife (any relation) of _________ Son/Daughter of _________, all residents of _________, country (_________) are my close relatives. _________ is my _________ (Relation).
  3. That my _________.
  4. That I request the Indian Embassy/High Commission in _________ to kindly grant permission to the said persons to visit my family at my above said address at _________  India.
  5. That copy of my _________ (Address Proof), _________ (Address Proof) and _________ (Identity Proof) are enclosed herewith as proof of my permanent residence at _________ India.

_________  Son of _________, aged __ years,
Resident of _________, _________,
Contact/Mobile No. _________


  •     _________ (Name), Passport No. _________
  •     _________ (Name), Passport No. _________
  •     _________ (Name), Passport No. _________

            Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein.

            Verified at _________, India on _________.


Note: This Relative Visa Affidavit is to be Submitted by Local Sponsor for Relatives, if required by embassy.

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  • Visa in Relation Affidavit Sample
  • Sample Affidavit for apply Visa For Relatives
  • Affidavit For Relative Visa submitted by Local Sponsor
  • Relative Visa from Sponsor

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