Affidavit for Replacement of Power of Attorney

IN THE COURT OF ____, ________

VERSUS _____


Application for submission of a fresh power of Attorney to remove the technical mistake i.e. ____ Instead of ____ in the Power of Attorney filed earlier with the above said complaint.


1- That the above noted complaint is pending before this Hon’ble court and is fixed for ____.

2- That as General Power of Attorney holder of ____, the complainant filed a complaint under section ____ of the ____ Act on ___ against ____ accused/respondent in the court of ____ the then ___

3- That due to the oversightness or by typographical mistake the name of the company was mentioned as ____ instead of ____ in the Power of Attorney dated ____ which was registered on ____ but when it came to the knowledge of the complainant he got a fresh General Power of attorney from _____. So it is a technical mistake kindly allowed the complainant for submitting the fresh General Power of Attorney in the present complaint.

4- That in the interest of justice the complainant it is necessary to allow the applicant /complainant to replace the fresh Power of Attorney in the above said complaint so that the complainant may not suffer irreparable loss.


It is, therefore, prayed that the applicant may kindly be allowed to submit a fresh Power of Attorney in place of previous one and further allowed that it should be read in the evidence i.e. ____ in place of ____ in the interest of justice.
Dated _______     

Through counsel

____, ADVOCATE, ____

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